Timing in seconds for MbCO + 3830 water molecules (14026 atoms), 1000 steps 12-14 A shift on IBM-SP2.

Older results:

Nodes             1      2      4      8      16     32     64    128    256    512 

IBM/SP2          1.93   0.98   0.50   0.26   0.14   0.09

The results in  summary page are produced
on an IBM/SP2 machine 

These are some results with the older version of CHARMM

 Node Eext      Eint   Wait    Comm    List   Integ   Total        Speedup  eff.  
   1  5654.3    60.5     0.0     0.0  1227.4     9.4  6951.7=1.93h   1.0    100%
   2  2815.6    33.1    22.2    21.5   615.9     5.0  3513.4=0.98h   1.98    99%
   4  1416.0    19.5    13.5    33.5   310.3     2.6  1795.4=0.50h   3.87    97%
   8   720.1    12.6    10.2    40.8   157.0     1.5   942.2=0.26h   7.38    92%
  16   372.4     9.1     7.9    45.6    80.4     1.2   516.5=0.14h  13.46    84%
  32   197.8     7.1     6.0    67.3    42.0     1.3   321.4=0.09h  21.63    68%

                          CPU-time (efficiency %)
Nodes:		  1	2	4	8	16	    32
Benchmark         -----------------------------------------------
NIH   Mb+water    3.8  1.9/100 0.91/100 0.51/92  0.28/84  0.14/84  (hours/%)
CMU   Mb+water    18   9.7/93  5.9/76   4.2/54   2.7/42   2.0/28   (minutes/%)

the CMU benchmark uses shorter cutoffs and has ca 175 nbonds/atom
whereas NIH has 477 nbonds/atom.


See IBM WWW pages for more details

From: "Lennart Nilsson, KI/CSB" (ln@csb.ki.se)

if anybody is interested I have scripts etc to run charmm under POE and the LoadLeveler.